- Check whether an alleged aunt or uncle is the true biological relative of a nephew or niece
- Conclusively confirm whether you are the true biological mother of a child
- The DNA Cousin Test can help you find out the likelihood that two individuals are biologically related as cousins.
- Wondering if twins are fraternal or identical?
Personalize your diet, fitness and weight loss plans with these web apps
Food Sensitivity
DNA Celiac Disease
Find out whether you carry genes associated with celiac disease.
DNA Lactose Intolerance
Determine if you are at risk of lactose intolerance.
DNA Caffeine Sensitivity
Determine if caffeine increases your risk of health problems.
DNA Alcohol Intolerance
Find out whether drinking alcohol is harming your health.
Diet and Fitness
DNA Nutrition Test
Find out which nutrients your body needs now.
DNA Fitness Test
Optimize your workout based on your genes.
DNA Weight Loss Test
Optimize your weight loss based on your genetics.
Screen regularly to detect STDs early so they can be effectively managed with these web apps
Common STI
Common STD Test
Convenient at-home test to check for three common sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).
Chlamydia & Gonorrhea Test
Convenient at-home test to check for chlamydia and gonorrhea infections.
HIV Test
This advanced 4th generation HIV test provides the highest accuracy and earliest detection for HIV infection from the privacy of your own home.
Convenient at-home test to check for four common sexually transmitted diseases.
How It Works

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Order an ancestry DNA test to uncover your DNA profile.

Access over 100 FREE ancestry web apps to help you find your DNA connections.